Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Viking Rhine Cruise: Basel, Switzerland

We met our ship, the Viking Mani in Basel, Switzerland on April 3rd for our Rhine Getaway Cruise. Here are the photos from our walking tour:

 Notes: A map of Basel; Novartis was everywhere [3 images]; the view from the Mani shows an industrialized town with a mix of old and new buildings [2 images]; picturesque buildings [2 images]; a church that was not explained but might be the Basel Cathedral at Münster-platz; musical notes on a building; the Tingeuly fountain [3 images]; the Elisabethen Church; a typical square; the Church St. Martin was built of red sandstone [5 images]; Markt Platz; overlooking the Mittlere Brüch; quaint building on the opposite side of the Rhine; two very old buildings [2 images]; the Rathaus Basel [3 images]; inside the Rathaus there is a statue of statue of Lucius Munatius Plancus, the founder of Basel; the bust of the so-called Lällekönig ("tongue king"), at the Grossbasel end of one of the Rhine bridges, who sticks his tongue out at the right bank [which is not nice]; an interesting building; a detail of a metal shutter; a "fully loaded" emergency response ship on the Rhine; a well-trained Jack Russell Terrier; the Viking Mani.

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