Friday, March 19, 2010

Rapporto di Roma 3: The Pantheon

The Pantheon was built by Marcus Agrippa in 27 BC and rebuilt in 110 AD. Read more about the Pantheon here. Just like most extrememly old and historical places in Rome, you turn a corner, and there it is. Eureka! Of course the obligatory hansome cabs were in front of it.

It was mobbed with student groups and tour groups. I had to wait a long time to get photos of each niche without people in them. The one with the lit casket is Raphael's tomb. The Madonna and Child are carved in marble above it, as commissioned by Raphael. Italy's first two kings, Victor Emanuel II, Umberto I and his wife Margarita are also buried there. One of the photos shows two guards standing by a book where visitors can register their support for the Savoy royal family.

Although the only source of light was the 30 foot [9.1 meters] oculus, 142 feet [43.3 meters] above us, the Pantheon seemed well lit and was bright enough for photos. Its dome is the world's largest unreinforced dome. The coffers, width and different ingredients in the concrete make this possible. It is certainly a wonder of the ancient world!

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