Once again, we rounded a corner and eureka! The Piazza Navona was before us! It was such a lovely sunny day, that we stopped for some overpriced cappuccino and to chat with an ex-pat couple who were vacationing from Brussels. We listened to a fine classical guitarist and even left him a few Euro.
I dashed across the piazza to snap a photo of Sasha, a 4 month old German Shepherd dog, who very politely “struck a pose” for me. Madonna in the making?
The Fountain of Neptune was all sparkly and gorgeous in the sunshine. Unfortunately, the Four Rivers Fountain by Bernini was shrouded by construction walls and was probably being cleaned or repaired. My photo of the fourth fountain, La Fontana del Moro, was less well lit due to the position of the sun at the time of day we were there.
A gentleman adores his white poodle by the Fountain of Neptune. Who wouldn’t?
My camera loved the French Bull dog being walked across the Piazza. I had to run to catch up to take these photos. The owner must have thought me crazed. He did kind of chuckle to himself with amusement. But I guess it has happened before; his dog is a chick magnet.
The pigeon lady was almost invisible against the gray wall with her largely gray sweater. But I shot the photos once I had spotted her. If she keeps feeding them, they will take over the Piazza! Picturesque now, but a nuisance later!
We window shopped our way back to our hotel; done for the day! Rome is a terrific place to window shop! You just never know what you will find.
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